Thursday, December 01, 2005

Rain brought back the old memories

Nowadays the TV predications are accurate sometimes. I was just listening to the news in KRON 4 and I heard it is going to rain, and it did so. The rain brought back the memories of India. All I could think about rain is my school days and hot bhajis. The tropical weather in India makes anyone to get into the rain. I use to get drenched in the rain and return home. My mom’s only worry is about my uniform. Drying is a big problem in India on the rainy days. We are not pampered with these washers or dryers those times.

Another thing, which the rain could remind, is the hot bhajis from the roadside stalls. I love those hot plantain and onion bhajis. Thats heaven.


  1. Seems like u found yourselves a theme for Meenas "From my Rasoi" event....

  2. yeah you can say that gini. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Hey, I think you really miss India after you left there...why not spend more time in India if that is the place you really love from the bottom of your heart :)
