Puttu is another common breakfast in Kerala. It is made out of rice flour and is cylindrical in shape. Puttu is made with the help of a Puttu maker. Puttu maker is a steamer which is cylindrical in shape. These are available in the Indian grocery stores. Many people use idly moulds also to make puttu recipe. Nowadays Instant puttu mix is available in Indian grocery stores. The dish has to be made with lot of coconut. I make this recipe to recall the memories of my home. Puttu has kadala curry as its accompaniment. This is my contribution to Meena's blog Hooked on Heat for "From my Rasoi - Breakfast".
Ingredients : Recipe for two 
Now add a fistful full of grated coconut in the puttu maker and then add the rice flour till half, then add another handful of coconut. This is done till you reach the top of the cylindrical shape.

Close the lid and steam for 4-5minutes.

Serve hot with kadala curry.
Ingredients : Recipe for two
- 2 cups of raw rice
- 1 cup of coconut
- Salt to taste

Soak the rice for two hours and strain it. Spread the rice in a cloth or a plate and allow them to dry. Grind the dried raw rice to a fine powder in the mixer. Mix salt in water and add the water little by little to the rice flour and mix it. You should be careful while mixing the water to the rice flour. It should not change to dough. It should be in a powdered form wet enough for steaming.
Now add a fistful full of grated coconut in the puttu maker and then add the rice flour till half, then add another handful of coconut. This is done till you reach the top of the cylindrical shape.

Close the lid and steam for 4-5minutes.

Serve hot with kadala curry.

Now, this don't seem very easy.. but I wil give it a try.
Looks yumm though
I never had puttu, Priya. Looks like an acquired taste.:)
I will definitely look for that puttu mold and instant puttu mix, in my next trip to an Indian grocery.
I love, love these kinds of traditional foods. I'm learning a lot from you, because to tell you the truth, I'm not that familiar with Kerala cuisine.
Priya,this is absolutely new to me.
Simple recipe though,maybe I can try it with idli mould.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Priya, I am familiar with South Indian cuisine (lot of Tamilian, Tulu, Kannada and Malyalam friends) but this is so unique. Never had it and never seen it on a menu! So delicous though. Are puttu moulds expensive in the U.S.? My next buy was going to be an appam steamer but looks like I will have to add to my list!!!
Hey Priya,
Mouth watering recipe! Good photographs too. Have you used the instant mix.
Post your "Appam" recipe too sometime.
~ Usha
Priya, Looks so yummmmmm..... Can I come for breakfast? :) This inspires me to try puttu. I do have puttu maker, but have never made it on my own.
Indira, Do try... It's wonderful.
Priya... me, heard and tasted puttu prepared with rice, ragi, wheat in tamilian style, thats the differnt dish ..
But this keralite dish, i'seen once in a movie thats all... don hav idea at all.... but nw got the dish and the recipe... ll book mark this.. thankx priya
Gud piece of work around the pic's presented here...
Anthony, It looks to be hard to try, but I am sure this quite an easy recipe to make once you know the process.
Indira, Puttu added with coconut adds to the authenticity of the dish. It is one of the traditional dish in kerala.I am happy that I am exploring you to the kerala cusine as you have explored me to the Andhra cusine:)
Sailu, you can try with idly moulds, but if you want a cylindrical shape you can try with the puttu maker.
Hi Ashwini, Good to see you here. I think it should be costing around $15 to $20. May be you can give a try checking in online. If I come across something will let you know. I got this puttu maker from India.
Hey Usha, thanks for stopping by. I have used the instant mix. All you have to do is add hot water and salt, the puttu is ready. I have posted appam recipe in the month of December. You can check in my archives.
Bangalore, Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
You are welcome Kay. I love cooking for my friends. Let me know how it turned for you.
Hey Anbae, good to hear you have tasted puttu. I havent tasted in ragi. I am exploring with my Digi-cam:) by taking too many pictures. Thanks for the pleasing words:)
I love puttu kadala! Try as much as I can, the kadala curry never tastes as good as it does in a Keralites's house!
This is the first recipe I have seen that does not require the rice to be roasted.
Hi priya,
thanks for the helpful tips! now i know how to make it!
does the puttu have to be crumbly or really fine when its ready to eat?
Grafxgurl, Hey saw your blog--- very interesting :) no way I can get near to nerd people --though got married to a nerd :(- he he !!!!
Yes outcome of puttu should be crumbly-- so try adding the flour crumbly and not into a fine powder... thanks for dropping by:)
I loove puttu, havent had some in a while and have been searching for recipes to try. Back when my grandmother was around to prepare this, our family enjoyed eating puttu byt mashing it up with bananas.. omigod.. so goooood!
Thanks for sharing!
What about pre-heating the flour before watering? I think it adds taste and make it softer....
I should try this. need to get the puttu maker when I go to india next time..
have u blogged the recipe for Kadalai curry?? would like to have a link next to the last photo - which says... with Kadalai curry
ssreev, check out my menu list from blog, you will find kadala curry
Priya, thanks for the great Puttu recipy, I've been looking for the recipy for years. By the way, can I use brown rice instead of white rice? Rachel Lee
Rachel, I think you can try with brown rice, I have not tried personally...
I am not a keralite..but i hjave tasted puttu with kadala curry my friend used to get in her lunch box.I absolutely loved it.I saw your recipe and I am thinking of preparing it.But few questions ..Can I do it with readymade rice flour?And can I use frozen coconut?Thanks.Tried ur rasmamlai.YUMMY:)
Hi Anon, you can try with rice flour, its perfectly fine, just saute the rice flour in the pan without oil for few minutes, and add warm water mixed with salt--watch while you add the water, the flour should'nt turn to a dough:D and regarding coconut, frozen works great-- I use frozen for most of my cooking:)
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